Saturday, December 10, 2011

Karl's trip

My little new yorker and one of my favorite people on earth came to visit me in November. She posted so much about our trip here but I had a few pictures I wanted to post. It was her first trip to Europe so we really wanted to make the most of her trip, I am pretty sure we did everything there is to do here in Istanbul. We also made an amazing Thanksgiving feast, drank lots of wine and just got to spend a lot of much needed quality time together. I miss her so much already!!

checking out the Hagia Sophia

my favorite face

the paparazzi busted us taking pictures of ourselves 

come back!

1 comment:

  1. 1. loved that you blogged.
    2. love the pictures... looks like you and karli had so much fun.
    3. i need to plan a trip to visit you, like yesterday.


holler at me.